Goldratt’s Rules of Flow

by Efrat Goldratt-Ashlag Marc Wilson is not giving up. He is determined to turn around the struggling family company and keep it, despite his father’s decision to sell. The problem is that they are late…

The Noise Factor by Yishai Ashlag

The Noise Factor: Hidden Forces that Imperil Financial Markets

by Yishai Ashlag and Meirav Moran There is an inherent, invisible flaw in how our financial system operates: the way the markets are built, they turn insignificant day-to-day deviations, or “noise,” into harmful volatility. As…

Stop Decorating the Fish, 2nd edition

by Kristin Cox and Yishai Ashlag Stop Decorating the Fish is a business fable. The prosperous fishing town of Busyville is facing a major challenge. In their efforts to improve the situation, their task force…

Lies of War by Laurence Gadd

Lies of War

by Laurence Gadd It is 1941. While the most powerful armies in the world are waging horrific war on land and sea, German scientists are feverishly at work on an atomic weapon that could obliterate…

Stop Decorating the Fish

Stop Decorating the Fish

by Kristin Cox and Yishai Ashlag Stop Decorating the Fish is a business fable. The prosperous fishing town of Busyville is facing a major challenge. In their efforts to improve the situation, their task force…


FREE DOWNLOAD + BONUS The 5 Focusin​​g Steps of TOC in graphic formatLearn the 5 Focusing Steps of TOCThe Theory of Constraints in one word: â€‹focusThe Theory of Constraints, sometimes called constraints management, is a process of…

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