
Praise for Michelle Garcia Winner and Social Thinking: “Love the terms Social Algebra, Social Curiosity, Superficial Social Test, Singular Imagination and Avoid the Blurt! [Michelle Garcia Winner’s books] offer the WHY, WHAT and HOW of…


Critical Chain Eliyahu Goldratt

EXCERPT from Critical Chain

Chapter 11 Rick is among the last to enter. To his surprise, the small auditorium is almost full. Probably the word went around that this colloquium was going to be different. Much different. Jim is…

Explaining Social Thinking to Kids

You are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids

by Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke Every one of us is a Social Detective. We are good Social Detectives when we use our eyes, ears, and brains to figure out what others are planning…


Michelle Garcia Winner, MS, CCC-SLP, and a Congressional-award-winning speech-language pathologist, specializes in treating students who are experiencing social and communication challenges. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders published research supporting her Social Thinking approach…

About Goldratt Books

photo by Wendy Maxwell

Clarke Ching interviews Eli Goldratt

In 2010, shortly after the publication of Eli Goldratt’s book, Isn’t It Obvious?, the author sat down with Clarke Ching for a one-hour interview. The two discussed the book, in which Goldratt applies the Theory…