In order to understand why abortion must be kept safe, legal, and available, we must look at many of its aspects as they affect real people we know and love. It is necessary to face the discussion head-on by stripping the issue of its mystery and baggage, and shining a light on abortion as a choice relatively few women actually choose, but one which most Americans do not wish to lose. The most rational way to approach this may be to look at the personal side of that discussion and examine the rhetoric through a filter of actual human experiences.
These are people you know. So this is about them, and the issue that affects all of us in the most personal and intimate way possible.
Mary Ann Sorrentino, a leading abortion rights advocate and former Executive Director of Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, was publicly declared excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church and called “public enemy number one of the unborn.”
“Ms. Sorrentino, I am in your debt.” —Justice Harry A. Blackmun, Supreme Court of the United States
Abortion: The A Word
by Mary Ann Sorrentino
ISBN: 0-9774053-3-8